It's a big move for a company that, until a year ago, did not have a social media department, nor a Pinterest account. In fact, so far as we've aware, J.Crew is the first clothing brand to debut its catalog on the image-based network.
J.Crew isn't the only apparel brand to choose social media over more traditional channels to introduce its lineup this fall. Late last month, Oscar de la Renta premiered its fall campaign via Instagram. Each image garnered more than 1,000 likes in the first hour.
So you are probably wondering how to get going on Pinterest? We found an interesting article on 'Social Examiner', that sums it up in 10-steps (they do 12 but we've chosen the top 10).
But first...Why More Pinterest Followers?
More Pinterest followers can help you get more likes, repins, comments, clicks and impressions.This can then help drive traffic, build your profile, generate leads and therefore increase sales.
It also provides an opportunity for you to generate more engagement with your customers.
Here is a summary:
#1: Add the Pinterest Follow Button
Install the Pinterest button in several prominent places on your website and blog—the header, footer, sidebar, etc. Make it easy for people to find your brand page and convert them into followers. To create your button, use the widget builder page on Pinterest or create a custom button that matches your branding. Similar to the Follow button, the profile widget also leads your website visitors to your Pinterest page. But you may find the profile widget more effective than the Follow button because it’s bigger and can display up to 30 of your latest pins.Find out how to install a profile widget here: Pinterest Business Accounts: The Definitive Guide to Getting Started.
#2: Share a Lot - Be Active
When you share often, more people will see your pins and those pins lead people back to your page by displaying your details below the pin. Also, when you pin a lot of images people enjoy, Pinterest will recommend you more often to people who pin the same image. This will help you attract a lot more followers.#3: Comment on Popular Pins
The Popular section on Pinterest consists of pins that have been repinned, liked and commented on several times. Take advantage of this and get people to check out your own page by commenting on these pins.#4: Mention Others
When appropriate, mention others in the description of a pin or the comments section.#5: Connect Your Social Networks
Connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts with your Pinterest account to attract your Facebook and Twitter friends and followers to your Pinterest account.#6: Find Friends From Other Social Networks
Another advantage of connecting your other social networks is you can find friends and connect with them. Connect your accounts and click on your business name in the top right corner of the screen. In the dropdown menu that appears, click on Find Friends. You can then choose the social networks you’ve connected to find friends and followers and follow them on Pinterest.As you follow people you already have relationships with, they’ll be very likely to follow you back.
#7: Promote Your Individual Boards
Instead of following an entire profile, people prefer following boards on subjects they’re interested in. Work on getting followers for your most popular boards instead of the entire account.Go through your brand page and look for your most popular boards and promote them to gain more followers.
#8: Contribute to Others’ Boards
A quick way to attract followers is to contribute to popular group boards that already have a lot of followers. When you contribute quality pins to these boards, their followers become your followers, too—if they like your pins.#9: Follow Others
Look for people with similar interests, follow them and a fraction of them will follow you back. Continue to follow the ones who follow you back and unfollow the ones who don’t. Repeat the process.#10: Run Contests
There are two ways to gain followers when you run a Pinterest contest. You can either base entry in the contest upon following you or you can use a tool like Rafflecopter to give away a few extra entries for those who follow you.Remember...
It’s not just about getting followers, it’s also about keeping them happy. Make the extra effort to keep your followers satisfied so they’ll continue following you instead of leaving you.
Here are a couple of ways to keep followers happy:
- Don’t share everything at once: Instead of clouding your followers’ feeds with your pins all at once, time your pins to go out at regular intervals. You can easily do this by using a scheduling tool like Curalate.
- Stick to one topic per board: One way to lose your board followers quickly is to share irrelevant pins to your boards. It’s okay to share lots of different topics on different boards, but make sure you stick to one topic per board to keep your followers happy and get them craving more.
- Aim | Shoot | Acquire!
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